Monday, November 19, 2007

What is practical spirituality?

Right now, too many things are happening in my life and not all of them are pleasant. I am getting ready for a major surgery and I don’t know how that will turn out. At the same time, I am being buried by tons of work related to my teaching, research and writing. I also have to carry the burdens and cares for my family, friends and students. Then there are the ubiquitous political battles which I can ignore only at my own peril.

Does my Christian faith provide an answer to all the stresses and problems of human existence?
Can I incorporate God into my daily living so that I can experience His presence and grace in all of life’s circumstances?

Can the Bible give me the guidance, wisdom and inspiration I need so that I will always do the right thing with courage and compassion?
Is there a genuine spiritual transformation in my life that empowers me to overcome and transcend all the trials and tribulations?
Do I have a sense of the sacred in spite of my busyness?
In short, does my Christian faith work in real life?

All the above questions have to do with practical spirituality, which can be defined as the intertwining and integration of spirituality with practicality in a continuous and seamless manner. Thus, our religious belief or spiritual faith should play a vital role in how we live. The practice of spirituality is no longer relegated to Sunday worship service and there should no longer be a wide gap between what we believe and how we behave throughout the week.

In this blog, I want to share with all my readers my journey in the quest for practical spirituality. I also interested in hearing from you about your struggles and discoveries.

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